Friday, January 10, 2014

A good beginning for a new year 2014

Hi blog.

Ive been assigned to be in KLIA2 project for a month. As one of the member of the Special Task Force team, i need to mix around will all the team members, especially for the Testing and Commissioning  part. (under m&e ). A bit tense for me to adapt with the whole technical thing. Come on guysssssss, im a management student. The NON-technical bacckground, so please dont assume me to noe the hell that happened here. I have to start everything from the scratch.All the jargon, the process included for every step of inspection, the checklist, the drawings and so many things that i really dont familiar before need to familiarize for a week. Hell yaaaa, thats the situation. And i was likeeeee, arghhh "it really stressed me out".
For God sake, sabar is the only way that make me still here facing all the people that truly rude and judgmental. I really hope this January to end earlier. I need to go away from all these people, I hate 'em.

p/s: >.<

Friday, December 20, 2013

To whom it may concern

Please don't lie, not a sin of being you.
Just be yourself, the flaws will turn into something beautiful, trust me :)

p/s: My url is changing again and again.

Friday, December 6, 2013


I'll post if im getting bored.
Yes, absolutely.
Blergh ~~

p/s :Sambil tunggu lunch break.

Friday, November 29, 2013

What say youuu?

I experienced this, an annoying brat that always come to your day by follow all the things you are doing. How annoyed that to you? for me its totally suck! im not saying im the trendsetter here BUT don't you know its just a lil thing of my personal stuffs you are copycat with.
Plus im not the one you copycat things, but else also. Blergh, sometimes i cant tolerate with you anymore. Get a life. I hate you. That's all. END.

p/s: Being emotional is a girl. Come on guys, don't judge! lol :D

Sunday, November 24, 2013

No longer your follower

i  a m  n o  l o n g e r  y o u r   f o l l o w e r  :)

I just deactivated my twitter account. its a Monday transforming plan I think.
To be frank, the ultimate reason why I am deactivating my twitter account is because I am no longer interested to post any tweet there. Im getting bored, again!

p/s: good bye hilarious friends thereeee :p

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I wish I could

it's hard to let go and when you do have memories for a lifetime,
 and it's not about move on. it's all about memories.

p/s: Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tak Peduli

Don't be mad because I don't care anymore.
Be mad because I once did, and you were too blind to see.

p/s: Don't know what to p/s .

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Aku mohon hanya satu,
Biar apa yang direncanakan berpaksikan istiqamah.
Biar nampak cacatnya di mata yang tidak sempurna tetapi tidak pada matamu, Allah

Monday, June 17, 2013

Aku Rajin bukan Rajinikanth

Aku rajin sebab tu dalam masa 5 minit aku dah
keluar dengan dua entry.
Tambahan pula cubicle kuning aku ni letaknya agak terpencil.
Jadi dalam busy buat kerja yang tak pernah abis, keyboard aku tekan untuk update blog.
Kalo dengar bunyi memang tengah busy sangat, tp kalo di terjah ni mau kantoi.

Dulu rajin nak btau reader (konon ade) what actually happened in my life.
Tapi rasanya sekarang just simplify cakap kat sini aku memang da ada new life yang sangat berbeza.
Sebabnya err, aku dah keje. Keje bukan part time tapi keje tetap. Keje lepas dah graduate tahun lepas, keje lepas dah konvo tahun lepas jugak. Pendek cerita keje TETAP! Bila dah tetap satu perkara kena tempuh, KOMITMEN. yess, banyak benda boleh cerita pasal komitmen, tapi nanti nanti lah.
bagi ruang untuk mood menulis ni bernafas dulu.

Orait, till we meet again bloggie.
XoXo (acah lisa surihani sangatss)

p/s: Kadar rajin punya lah tinggi sampai habis sume element2 tepi blog ni aku remove.
Sebab rasa serabut tengok semua benda tu.haha

Malas tapi mahu

Masih berkira-kira nak meneruskan perjuangan menulis blog ke tidak.
Dari rasa malas memang boleh di simpulkan hala tuju blog ni,
tengok layout yang sangat dull dah tauuu.

Dan, dan setelah sekian lama blog ni di jenguk kembali, banyak post aku da edit.bahaha.
sebabnya susah nak terima hakikat I used to be that 'one' before.
Lame jugak aku dulu, ya Rabbi malu tengok entry sendiri bila pernah dangkal dan
sungguh immature setiap kali keluar dengan entry yang _________ (swear to God, aku malu
nak habiskan ayat ni). haha

p/s : :)

top listed!


chatter boxes..hee