Friday, November 29, 2013

What say youuu?

I experienced this, an annoying brat that always come to your day by follow all the things you are doing. How annoyed that to you? for me its totally suck! im not saying im the trendsetter here BUT don't you know its just a lil thing of my personal stuffs you are copycat with.
Plus im not the one you copycat things, but else also. Blergh, sometimes i cant tolerate with you anymore. Get a life. I hate you. That's all. END.

p/s: Being emotional is a girl. Come on guys, don't judge! lol :D

Sunday, November 24, 2013

No longer your follower

i  a m  n o  l o n g e r  y o u r   f o l l o w e r  :)

I just deactivated my twitter account. its a Monday transforming plan I think.
To be frank, the ultimate reason why I am deactivating my twitter account is because I am no longer interested to post any tweet there. Im getting bored, again!

p/s: good bye hilarious friends thereeee :p

top listed!


chatter boxes..hee