Tuesday, December 29, 2009

sy x tau nk post ape

lme gler x update blog cuz when im gonna start to merapu mst mood terbantut..xpon mood lari x tau ke mane..kalo mood to stay jer smpi ble2 xper lah..oh ya..lotsa things yg aku nk share..mcm2 terjd while cuti ni even aku juz dok umh n menyumpah2 dlm hati sbb boring..ive been listed al the things down there..:)
tanggal 12/12/09 aku dh pn officially digelar macik cuz dlm family da ade new member..my sis in law selmt deliver my cute nephew..aku of coz sgt teruja plus my family pn mcm tu..bygkn kiteorg tgu baby tu kuar from the nursery smpi nurse kt sne tgur,"ank buah first ke?"..sooo funny..tp seriously Adam Danish wat kiteorg hepy sgt!

aku x kuar hung out wif my gurl frens pon cuz msng2 sgt la bz ngn agenda sndri..plus su blik awl cuz utm register awl...uish,bertmbh aku mnyumpah bosan!!ade pon juz tmn zarith p nilai amik kereta die..then plan p kl x jd cuz aku yg cancelkn..mls nk crita pnjg bout dat sbb my heart is like guing to pop!

im a baby sitter trainee..yeah,da mcm2 kemajuan kot..burpp kn baby,learn how to hold a small baby,feed the baby but not breast feedin' oke..:p..its fun cuz aku mmg x pnh handle baby b4..its such a great time..

i noe bout sumtng!!ouh,bile aku leh tros trg ni..haih~

even my holday for this semester break wus juz not like b4,which im spending more time at home,i felt soooooo excited n hepy with Danish beside..he made me forgot all the sad part by givin' me such a great happiness..:)

p/s:im so disappointed!

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