Wednesday, December 30, 2009


xde yg intersting pon today..juz pagi td around 11 kua p bayar yuran..ouh,sy kna berssh payah byr sndri cuz kwn2 seangkatan yg len sume automatically kna potong dr PTPTN..xper,ni sume utk keberkatan yg masih tggl 4 bln ni..x sangka at last i did it,last sem u oll'z.:p

pergi at first ngn zarith tp die nk kena blik nilai pule..its oke..i can handle it alone...after settled all the things jmp my fren,Husny..have sum chat,mnum2 n lepak jap then pulang..

blik nmpk danish n rase sgt epy!!y aa,nmpk danish jer berbunge2 hati ni..(hey k.zila n wawa,sy dah ade sumone yg leh wat hti bunge2 selain 'dia' tu..hehe)x smpi hati nk tggl kn danish nnt.bwk balik baiduri n smpn dlm bilik boley x UPK..hahahaha..

p/s:nape mst ade perasaan cemburu??is there any medicine to cure those feeling..pheew~

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